But what about truth and lies in them? Does the reducing Girdle serve to burn fat?
Today we are going to be honest and we will be as objective as possible and to answer those and other doubts that you probably have in this regard since there are many myths and too many statements or few scientific studies around the reducing Girdles.
We can find girdles of very different materials but the most common are neoprene girdles. Basically, what it does is provide heat in the area where the girdle comes into contact with the skin and prevents it from perspiring normally.
As a direct consequence of this and if you have tried any girdle of this type, you will have noticed that when you take it off you, the girdle and the skin are soaked in sweat. With the girdle we sweat more, but .. Do we lose weight ?. Well, the answer is that NO, the girdle alone does not burn fat, it only makes us sweat and with sweat we only lose water that we will recover as soon as we hydrate, minerals (which is not so good) and also they expel certain toxins from the skin, (that is the good part).
Now, what happens when exercising with the girdle? Well, basically the same as doing it without the girdle. What actually makes you lose weight and burn fat is aerobic exercise, whether you have the girdle on or not, and have a proper diet, not the girdle itself. What's more, you have to be careful if you exercise with the girdle on, as you could get a muscle injury if it is not well placed or even prevent adequate blood flow in your body.
Girdles Lina Maria 100% Colombian Guitar Body.
Colombia is a country with a lot of experience in the production of girdles of all kinds. Historically, there has been a good part of the worldwide production of girdles, but today when we use the expression Colombian girdle we usually refer to a very special type of girdle completely different from the reducing girdles we have talked about before.
Colombia is a country with a lot of experience in the production of girdles of all kinds. Historically, there has been a good part of the worldwide production of girdles, but today when we use the expression Colombian girdle we usually refer to a very special type of girdle completely different from the reducing girdles we have talked about before.
The Colombian girdle Lina Body Guitar is molder, Reducer, Postpartum and Post Surgical. Specially designed to highlight certain parts of the female body, such as the breasts, buttocks and thighs, achieving a very feminine, sensual and curvilinear silhouette, such as Latin women.
There is usually a wide variety of this type of girdles, there are to mold the whole figure, only for the waist, for thighs and legs, to lift the buttocks .. there are even girdles for men, do not go to think that only women use these products.
If you have already entered the world of the girdles it is possible that you have heard about the Body Guitar girdles and that you have an interest in knowing what they are and their benefits.
First of all, you should know that the Colombian Body Guitar girdles is a brand and the property corresponds to Lina Maria girdles who is the company that has evolved the market with the incredible design that, as the name implies, is Body Guitar design. They are not a type of girdle such as panty girdles or corsets. What happens is that in Colombia there is a great tradition of girdle manufacturing and there are several brands that are considered of high quality. When you hear about Colombian girdles, it is not one of the types of girdles but the origin of their manufacture, which in this case is Colombia.