😷Importance of a post-surgical girdle💉


One of the most important stages of any medical or aesthetic treatment that involves surgery is recovery. In fact, the fact that a surgical process is successful depends largely on the follow-up of the instructions that the specialist has recommended for the immediate period after the surgery has been carried out and in the weeks or months later, as the case may be. In the particular case of cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction, dermolipectomy, reduction of the abdomen or tummy tuck, these recommendations include measures such as avoiding physical efforts and using post-surgical girdles, which are a great support that, if used correctly, can contribute excellently in the recovery process.

SOURCE & AUTHOR Dr Armando Torres Madueña

Before talking about the characteristics of the post-surgical or post-operative girdles and the benefits that their use can bring, it is important to mention that this type of garments is not recommended for all people who have undergone cosmetic surgery such as liposuction or liposculpture. It is very important that the specialist doctor who has taken charge of the operation, who knows the patient's medical history and the particular conditions of his health, be the one who indicates the use of this type of garments. Only the doctor can determine the particular characteristics that the girdle should meet and decide its period of use, and in any case it is necessary that these instructions be followed to ensure the safety and comfort of the patient.


The post-operative or post-surgical girdles are not conventional girdles that can be found available in the market to define the figure or improve the posture, these are garments specially designed to provide support to the surgically operated area, therefore the materials used in its manufacture, its cut and mode of adjustment, are very different from those of the girdles for regular use. A post-surgical girdle meets the characteristics that make it suitable for supporting the muscles and tissues of the body in the area that underwent the operation, so that it has a better support during the recovery period. The particularity of these belts is that they are compression, so the support they offer is greater and better fit the body of patients who have undergone an aesthetic operation.
Contrary to the popular belief that these types of girdles are very uncomfortable or that they are unsightly because they make lumps or wrinkles that are noticeable in the clothes, if you choose the right size they would not have to cause any type of discomfort and without problems you can wear any type of garment on it. These types of misconceptions are what make many people not use the girdles, even though their doctor has indicated them, which can have consequences that make recovery difficult and put the patient's health at risk.

The materials with which the post-operative or post-surgical girdles are made are elastic to facilitate adjustment and provide greater comfort and their time of use varies according to the type of surgery to which the patient has undergone. In the case of liposuction, the use of a girdle is usually indicated by the doctor at least for a period of four to six weeks after surgery, a time of 22 hours a day.

After these weeks, the doctor indicates reducing the number of hours that the girdle has to be worn during the day until its use is completely eliminated. During the recovery stage it is essential to go to medical appointments in a timely manner to evaluate the progress of healing and the adaptation of the skin and muscles to the new body figure after an aesthetic surgery for size reduction. During these visits, the doctor will indicate the necessary changes in size and new adjustments of the girdle to allow the body to adapt properly.

In addition to providing support to the intervened area, holding the muscles and tissues that are vulnerable after the operation, which is essential to perform movements without compromising patient safety. The girdles are garments that are excellent to help the skin return to its place, gain firmness and thus the body adapts satisfactorily, to achieve the desired results. All of the above is achieved by the compression they exert on the area, so that they help reduce inflammation, prevent bleeding and reduce bruising, fibrosis, pain and other discomforts that occur after surgery such as the ones we mentioned

In the first weeks after the operation the doctor indicates a prolonged use of the girdle, this is because the support he provides allows patients to have better control over their body and can gradually resume their daily activities without risks. Among other benefits of this type of garments is the correction of posture, the reduction of sagging and its contribution to the healing process.

If you are planning to undergo liposuction or liposculpture, we recommend that you consult with your doctor about the steps you will have to take to prepare for the operation and the recommendations for care in the recovery process. Remember that following the instructions to the letter is decisive for the success of the surgery.

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