Vaginal birth (Natural) before caesarean section. For this reason, and for many other reasons, it is better for a baby to be born by vaginal delivery, and if it can be, by natural birth, since the less the interference of professionals, the better the process usually goes (if the delivery is develops normally)
Natural birth begins with regular uterine contractions that increase with intensity and frequency, the cervix dilates where the baby descends and then goes down the vagina. In some cases it requires episiotomy (vaginal cut) to make the baby's exit easier. The wound generates pain, but only requires a daily bath to heal quickly. According to the World Health Organization, in some countries the episiotomy has been limited to strict indications.
Caesarean section, a surgical incision in the abdomen, where six to seven layers of skin are transferred to remove the baby or babies. The incision is made above the pubis, the uterus is opened, amniotic fluid is removed and then to the baby.
Cesarean section is a clear medication procedure. It should be used in emergencies: when the child is sitting, better called as an abnormal fetal position, or when there is exhaustion of the mother, very narrow mother's pelvis, preeclampsia or eclampsia, failed induction of labor, baby very large, placenta previa or uterine infection.
In case of herpes or vaginomatosis it is necessary to remove the baby by caesarean section so as not to expose it to infection and avoid complications in their health. Also, when a mother has had her first child by caesarean section and is going to give birth to the second in less than a year.
The cut of a second C-section is done in the same place as the first.
The cut of a second C-section is done in the same place as the first.
Risk of injury in natural childbirth with episiotomy runs the risk of infection in the points. Caesarean section is infected more than the natural birth wound. It can be complicated, because several layers of tissue and muscles are involved, which can cause intra-abdominal infection.
Stimulation to the baby during labor, the body stimulates the release of certain substances that stimulate the baby, such as oxytocin, called 'love molecule' or 'aphrodisiac molecule', apparently involved in the formation of relationships of trust and generosity between mother and son. By promoting production, due to distention of the uterine cervix and the vagina, childbirth and lactation are facilitated.
Stimulation to the baby during labor, the body stimulates the release of certain substances that stimulate the baby, such as oxytocin, called 'love molecule' or 'aphrodisiac molecule', apparently involved in the formation of relationships of trust and generosity between mother and son. By promoting production, due to distention of the uterine cervix and the vagina, childbirth and lactation are facilitated.
Oxytocin reaches all the mother's cells, which reinforces the maternal love that generates definitive links with the baby.
So far it has not been shown that caesarean section stimulates the baby. However, in cases where it is used, it helps to save the life of the mother and that of the newborn.
So far it has not been shown that caesarean section stimulates the baby. However, in cases where it is used, it helps to save the life of the mother and that of the newborn.
Breathing of the baby, in natural birth the baby comes swimming in amniotic fluid; When it comes out through the pelvis, it compresses the chest and makes the child expel the fluid and make it easier to adapt and change by air. Neonatal breathing is easier.
Cesarean section, with this procedure, sometimes the baby does not expel the liquid that is stored in his lungs, this is known as húmedo wet lung ’. This makes it difficult for the newborn to breathe while eliminating it. In most cases, an incubator review is required for 2 to 3 days.
It is important to calculate well and verify the gestational age of the baby to avoid complications in the lungs, since hyaline membrane can occur, respiratory distress syndrome, disorders found in premature newborns, due to the lack of development of the lungs. They can also show pulmonary hypertension, abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs.
Pain in the natural birth, the woman is given a certain amount of anesthesia so that she does not suffer and at the same time can push on the birth of her child. Some mothers do not feel strong pains in the contractions, but for others they can be very painful without the application of anesthesia. Breathing and relaxation are fundamental.It is important to calculate well and verify the gestational age of the baby to avoid complications in the lungs, since hyaline membrane can occur, respiratory distress syndrome, disorders found in premature newborns, due to the lack of development of the lungs. They can also show pulmonary hypertension, abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs.
The woman, feeling pain, releases catecholamines, substances in the blood that cause alteration in the flow to the uterus. If at the time of giving birth the pregnant woman is desperate, she produces them in greater quantities, the contractions increase and of course, the pain.
Caesarean section
The abdomen is washed with an antiseptic substance, the epidural injection is given (it numbs the area of the body that corresponds to the nerves). The woman completely loses the sensitivity of the waist down.
Duration time
Natural birth
According to the gynecologist Andres Daste, the time of natural childbirth depends, to a large extent, on the experience of the mother. If it is first time, it will expand on average one centimeter per hour, once labor begins, which gives a total of more or less 10 hours. Women who have already given birth dilate 1.5 centimeters per hour. It is easier for those who already had a first time. According to Dr. Mauricio Herrera, some labor may last 20 hours. Cesarean section “It can last between 35 and 60 minutes, in a surgery area or delivery room