These are the 3 most common mistakes when looking for our Lina Maria Guitar Body Girdle. From back to front.
- 3. Believe that only with the girdle you have your life solved, remember the girdle is a tool for postpartum processes, post surgical and molding reducers and much of the success of this process depends on your discipline with the handle of tools and care that your specialist prescribes.
- 2. Wanting to wear girdles just to control your abdomen, remember that the Lina Maria Girdle is a guitar body effect and this also includes hips and buttocks, the correct and proper use helps you not only to mold but also to lose weight.
- 1. And we arrive at the main error when acquiring your girdle is to try to wear or wear sizes smaller than those recommended by the size chart, do not play with your health excessive adjustments can cause the organs to work badly or simply discomfort in daily living.
Always remember to seek advise by your specialists